Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Sorry I've been MIA lately! We've been so busy this month... lots going on in room 115. :)

Backing up to... Groundhog Day
We read Geoffrey Groundhog Predicts the Weather and then made our own predictions about what the famous groundhog would discover. We also did a bit of research on the groundhog; he has been making weather predictions for over 122 years!

The next day, we watched the "big reveal" with Punxsutawney Phil in Pennsylvania... and those of us who voted for 6 more weeks of winter were proven correct. (Judging by the snow that has been falling off and on lately, Phil knows his stuff!)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


We've been collecting empty milk jugs the last few weeks to make our Valentine holders, The kids got to choose from a bear, dinosaur, or cat template in which to create their containers. After decorating the animals and gluing them to the milk jugs, we set them out to wait for our Friendship Party.

They all turned out so cute!