Friday, December 13, 2013

Harvest Party

Our Harvest Party was the same day as the field trip! Such a fun day! :) All the kids had brought games in to play with each other. The room moms brought in food, so we had a snack table set up at the back of the room. We played games, ate, laughed, and even did a little dancing at the end of the day. :)

Fire Station Field Trip

We had the opportunity to visit the neighborhood fire station before Thanksgiving. It was so much fun! We were lucky enough to have a fireman come to our room in October. He shared his special clothes and lots of information, so we had quite a bit of background knowledge before we left.

The firemen gave us a tour of the station and showed us what happens when they hear the alarm. (One of the guys even slid down the fire pole!) The kids got a kick out of seeing the kitchen and even the bedroom! (One giant room with lots of beds!)

One of the firemen got decked out in all of his gear so the kids would know to come to him, and not be afraid. He had the kids come *get him* to show what they needed to do if they ever needed help. :)

We checked out the fire truck… and they even let us in so we could see the controls and buttons close up! The kids loved seeing how many hoses the truck had… and how huge the hoses were! I couldn't believe the size of them.

It was a great day!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Giraffes Can't Dance

We read the book Giraffes Can't Dance. It's about a giraffe that was told by the other animals that he can't dance. It turned out that he just needed to listen to his own music. Not every animal dances the same, or has the same music. Kind of like us!
After reading the book, we made our own *dancing* giraffes. I am so happy with how they turned out... they all have such unique personalities and styles.